TransAction At-a-Glance Blog Series
Blog Series: TransAction At-a-Glance (Post #6) Accessibility Performance and Needs
This edition of the TransAction At-a-Glance blog series continues to identify the needs in Northern Virginia’s multimodal transportation system. One of the chief goals of the TransAction update is accessibility, or how well residents of Northern Virginia can reach...
Blog Series: TransAction At-a-Glance (Post #5) Mobility Performance and Needs
Now that this blog series has set the foundation for the TransAction Update, we are presenting elements of a needs assessment of Northern Virginia’s multimodal transportation system, starting with a focus on regional mobility. The needs assessment looks at the...
Blog Series: TransAction At-a-Glance (Post #4) Survey of NoVA residents shows COVID-19 impact on transportation attitudes and priorities
The latest Northern Virginia Transportation Authority survey of Northern Virginia (NoVA) residents shows that the proportion of those who have ever worked from home shot up to 78 percent, from 61 percent before the COVID-19 pandemic, indicating the significant impact...
Blog Series: TransAction At-a-Glance (Post #3) Travel Patterns in Northern Virginia
Building on an understanding of population and job growth trends in the region and summarized in a previous article in this TransAction At-a-Glance blog series, we now highlight how people and goods move through and around Northern Virginia today and in the months and...
Blog Series: TransAction At-a-Glance (Post #2) Future Population and Employment Growth Set the Stage for NoVa’s Transportation Needs
The movement of people and goods in Northern Virginia is directly related to the scale and distribution of population and jobs throughout the region. Understanding recent land use changes in the region and forecasts of future growth is a critical step in the...
Blog Series: TransAction At-a-Glance (Post #1) TransAction Goals, Objectives and Performance Measures
Transportation is a major issue in Northern Virginia, affecting everyday life for millions of residents and the economic health of our businesses. To help address these issues, the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority developed a vision for the future of...
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