You Let Your Voice Be Heard: An Opportunity That Comes Once Every Five Years
Thank you for your participation!
Developing TransAction depends on public input to understand and prioritize transportation projects that will improve travel throughout the region. Between July and October 2021, NVTA conducted an extensive public outreach program, including focus groups, community pop-up events, and an online survey (with more than 2,300 responses), to build awareness of TransAction and gather input on regional needs and priorities. This input from a diverse range of perspectives helped the study team to understand the transportation experiences and needs of people traveling throughout the region.
We also asked you to provide feedback on the draft Plan and Project List during the public comment period open from August 1, 2022 – September 18, 2022. Input received during the 2022 public comment period provided specific feedback on the plan contents and the overall planning process and helped shape the final version of the plan.
The region’s economic vitality and quality of life depend on an effective and forward-thinking transportation network. As the landscape of our region continues to evolve, public engagement is more important than ever. Public input is critical to ensuring a safe, equitable, and sustainable multimodal transportation system for many years to come.
The TransAction Plan was adopted by the Authority during its December 8, 2022 business meeting. Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in the TransAction Update and provide us with your comment submissions and testimony during the TransAction Public Comment Period and Public Hearing on September 8th. Your participation is an important part of the TransAction Update process.
Check back in December 2023 for the latest news on the schedule for the next TransAction update.
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