Evaluating Transportation Projects

Evaluating Regionally Significant Transportation Projects

As part of SB 1785 (2019), reporting responsibility as required by HB 599 (2012), transferred from VDOT to the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority on July 1, 2019. HB 599 requires significant transportation projects in Northern Virginia to be evaluated and rated before NVTA adopts its funding programs. Each project’s evaluation and rating is based on the project’s expected impact on reducing congestion, and to the extent possible, the project’s expected improvement in regional mobility during a homeland security emergency. Projects evaluated include highway, mass transit and technology projects.

While the project ratings are used during NVTA’s funding cycles, they are based on analysis conducted for TransAction, the region’s long-range multimodal transportation plan, which is developed and maintained by NVTA. The current version of TransAction was adopted in December 2022, and the plan is updated on a five-year cycle. Updates will be posted on this website at least every six months.

January 1, 2025 Update

FY2026-2031 Six Year Program (SYP)

This will be NVTA’s eighth funding program and the second to utilize the project list associated with the current TransAction update that was adopted in December 2022. 

The Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2026-2031 SYP is anticipated around May 1, 2025, subject to action by NVTA at its April 2025 meeting.  With a May 1 CfRTP, the application deadline will be late July/early August, with the deadline for Governing Body resolutions a couple of months later. 

Adoption of the FY2026-2031 SYP is anticipated in July 2026, primarily allocating NVTA’s FY2030 and FY2031 regional revenues.


As noted above, the current TransAction update was adopted in December 2022.  With a five-year update cycle, preliminary work on the next TransAction update will begin in CY2025 in anticipation that the updated plan will be adopted by December 2027.  Per the Code of Virginia, the project list associated with the current TransAction continues to serve as the first eligibility filter for those projects that NVTA considers for funding through its SYP using its regional revenues.

August 1, 2024 Update

FY2024-2029 Six Year Program

On July 11, 2024, NVTA adopted the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program (SYP), committing $696.6 million toward 23 multimodal transportation projects across the region. Additionally, the Authority took action to transfer $21.1 million from a previous NVTA-funded project in Arlington County to the CC2DCA Multimodal Connection Project, bringing the program’s project total to 24. This investment will enhance all modes of transportation in Northern Virginia including transit, rail, roadway enhancements, technology, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and intersection/interchange improvements.

 Full details of the funded projects are posted on NVTA’s webpage for the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program.

 The adoption of this funding program means that NVTA has now committed more than $3.8 billion toward advancing 140 regional transportation projects.

July 1, 2024 Update

FY2024-2029 Six Year Program

This is NVTA’s seventh funding program and the first to utilize the project list associated with the latest TransAction update that was adopted in December 2022. 

Since the last update on January 1, 2024, the 24 eligible projects submitted by 10 applicants in response to the Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program (SYP) have been evaluated by NVTA staff and NVTA’s consultant team.  The total request was approximately $947.2 million.

Using NVTA’s holistic evaluation process including feedback from a comprehensive public comment process, NVTA staff have recommended 22 of the 24 projects be funded, with 19 of the 22 projects recommended to be fully funded for the requested amount and three projects recommended for partial funding sufficient to fund selected phase(s) of each of these three projects, using approximately $696.3 million in regional revenues.

NVTA’s two statutory advisory committees, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Planning Coordination Advisory Committee (PCAC), met on June 20, 2024, to consider the NVTA staff recommendations for the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program.  Both committees endorsed the NVTA staff recommendations (TAC unanimously and PCAC by a vote of 7-2 in favor). 

These endorsements were reviewed by NVTA’s Planning and Programming Committee (PPC), which met on June 25, 2024.  The PPC made two changes to the NVTA staff recommendations, making some funding adjustments affecting a pair of Arlington County projects and a pair of City of Fairfax projects.  With the two changes noted above the PPC unanimously voted to recommend the revised project list to the Authority. The PPC recommendations resulted in 23 of the 24 projects to be funded, with 18 of the 24 projects recommended to be fully funded for the requested amount and five projects recommended for partial funding, using approximately $696.3 million in regional revenues.

The PPC recommendations, which the full Authority will consider at its meeting on July 11, 2024, and other evaluation information are posted on NVTA’s webpage for the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program.

January 1, 2024 Update

FY2024-2029 Six Year Program

The Call for Regional Transportation Projects for NVTA’s FY2024-2029 Six Year Program was posted on May 1, 2023, with program adoption anticipated in July 2024. This will be NVTA’s seventh funding program and the first to utilize the project list associated with the latest TransAction update that was adopted in December 2022. The application deadline was July 28, 2023, with a deadline of October 27, 2023, for supporting resolutions.

24 eligible applications from 10 applicants for a total request of $947.2 million are currently being evaluated. A summary of applications is provided below, and a full list of the candidate projects is posted on our FY2024-2029 Six Year Program webpage. We will post updated information whenever it becomes available.

Summary of Candidate Projects



Number of applicants

(4 counties, 5 cities, 1 transit agency)


Number of eligible applications


Total NVTA request


Total project cost


Number of continuation projects (previously funded by NVTA)


NVTA request for continuation projects


Total project cost of continuation projects



Primary Mode

Number of Applications

% of Total

Requested Amount

% of Total Request











Commuter Rail

























    Subsequent anticipated milestones include:

    • March 2024: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing/Open House.
    • March 2024: Commencement of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) reviews.
    • Spring 2024: Authority approval of funding available.
    • April 2024: Release of candidate project list and evaluations by the Authority.
    • April – May 2024: Public comment period, NVTA Public Hearing/Open House.
    • June 2024: Release of NVTA staff project recommendations for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC.
    • July 2024: Authority adoption of FY2024-2029 SYP.

     Regular updates will be provided on the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program webpage.

    July 1, 2023 Update

    FY2024-2029 Six Year Program

    The Call for Regional Transportation Projects for NVTA’s FY2024-2029 Six Year Program was posted on May 1, 2023, with program adoption anticipated in July 2024.  This will be NVTA’s seventh funding program and the first to utilize the project list associated with the latest TransAction update that was adopted in December 2022.  Eligible applicants have until July 28, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. to submit applications.  Subsequent anticipated milestones include:

    • October 27, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.: Deadline for Governing Body and any supporting resolutions.
    • March 2024: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing/Open House.
    • March 2024: Commencement of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) reviews.
    • Spring 2024: Authority approval of funding available.
    • April 2024: Release of candidate project list and evaluations by the Authority.
    • April – May 2024: Public comment period, NVTA Public Hearing/Open House.
    • June 2024: Release of NVTA staff project recommendations for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC.
    • July 2024: Authority adoption of FY2024-2029 SYP.

    Regular updates will be provided on the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program webpage.

    January 1, 2023 Update

    TransAction Update

    At its meeting on July 14, 2022, NVTA approved the date for the TransAction Public Hearing (September 8, 2022) and the public comment period (August 1 through September 18, 2022).

    After the Public Hearing and the public comment period, NVTA members and members of NVTA’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) reviewed public comments and staff recommendations for enhancements to the draft TransAction. In the fall of 2022, NVTA staff and the consultant team developed the final draft TransAction Update for TAC, PCAC, PPC, and NVTA review.

    Following unanimous endorsements by TAC, PCAC, and PPC, NVTA unanimous adopted the TransAction Update at its meeting on December 8, 2022.  The newly adopted TransAction includes 424 projects with an estimated cost of $75 billion.

    FY2024-2029 Six Year Program

    Looking ahead, a Call for Regional Transportation Projects for NVTA’s FY2024-2029 Six Year Program is anticipated in early May 2023, with program adoption anticipated in July 2024.  This will be the first funding program to utilize the project list associated with the newly adopted TransAction.

    July 14, 2022 Update

    FY2022-2027 Six Year Program Adoption

    On the evening of July 14, 2022, the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority unanimously adopted the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, the NVTA’s sixth funding program investing in regional multimodal transportation projects located throughout NoVA. More than $1.2 billion in funding was requested by nine Northern Virginia jurisdictions who submitted 26 transportation candidate projects for regional funding consideration. The candidate projects evaluated and open to public comment included railway, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), roadways, pedestrian/bicycle pathways, transportation technologies, and an electric bus fleet.

    The NVTA unanimously voted to adopt 20 multimodal transportation projects, for full or partial funding, totaling nearly $625 million.

    The newly adopted Six Year Program will impact the region through:

    • A Multimodal/Corridor Focus, including a continued emphasis on roadway/Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in the Route 1 corridor and a continued emphasis on the Fairfax County Parkway corridor;
    • Transportation Technology, including a continued commitment to decarbonization of transit fleets and Intelligent Transportation Systems deployment in the Route 7 corridor (first NVTA-funded technology project outside of Arlington and Alexandria); and
    • Geographical and Modal Balance, which includes projects for all primary modes requested and all transit, bike/pedestrian, and transportation technology projects recommended for full funding, with most roadway projects having a pedestrian/bicyclist component attached and many projects having more than one modal component.

    Learn more:

    June 29, 2022 Update

    FY2022-2027 Six Year Program

    Since the last update on January 1, 2022, the 26 eligible applications submitted in response to the Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program (SYP) have been evaluated by NVTA staff and NVTA’s consultant team.  NVTA staff have recommended 20 of the 26 projects be funded, with 17 of the 20 projects recommended for full funding and three projects recommended for partial funding sufficient to fully fund the preliminary engineering phase of each of the three projects.

    NVTA’s two statutory advisory committees, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Planning Coordination Advisory Committee (PCAC), met on June 14, 2022 and June 22, 2022 respectively, to consider the NVTA staff recommendations for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, and unanimously endorsed the NVTA staff recommendations.

    On June 23, 2022, NVTA’s Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) met and unanimously endorsed the NVTA staff recommendations to fully fund 17 projects and partially fund 3 other projects, using approximately $625 million in regional revenues.

    The PPC recommendations, which the full Authority will consider at its meeting on July 14, 2022, and other evaluation information are posted on NVTA’s website.

    This will be the last SYP update for which the current TransAction Project List (adopted in 2017) will be used.

    TransAction Update

    In parallel with the development of the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, NVTA staff and the consultant team are updating TransAction.  Detailed development and evaluation of the draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List has been ongoing during spring 2022.  NVTA’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) have been briefed on initial results.  A similar briefing for NVTA members was held at an NVTA work session on May 19, 2022, at which NVTA staff requested guidance on several topics before preparing a draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List for public comment.

    Anticipated milestones for the TransAction (all tentative):

    July 14, 2022: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing (September 8, 2022) and the public comment period (August 1 through September 18, 2022);

    August 1, 2022: Release of draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List by the Authority for public comment (public comment continues through September 18);

    September 8, 2022: TransAction Public Hearing (hybrid format);

    November 2022: Release of final draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC;

    December 8, 2022: Authority adoption of TransAction plan and TransAction Project List.

    January 1, 2022 Update

    FY2022-2027 Six Year Program

    Since the last update on July 1, 2021, nine jurisdictions and localities submitted 26 eligible applications, requesting a total of $1,213,916,553 from NVTA’s FY2022-2027 Six Year Program (SYP). This was in response to the Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2022-2027 SYP, posted on July 1, 2021.  NVTA staff and the consultant team are now evaluating these applications. Please visit the NVTA website for a list of the applicants, candidate project list and modal breakouts.

    Anticipated milestones for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program include:

    March 2022: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing/Open House;

    March 2022: Commencement of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) reviews;

    March – April 2022: Staff submission of funding availability recommendations to the Finance Committee;

    April 2022: Release of candidate project list and evaluations by the Authority;

    April – May 2022: Public comment period, NVTA Public Hearing/Open House, and jurisdictional Town Hall meetings;

    June 2022: Release of NVTA staff project recommendations for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC; and

    July 2022: Anticipated Authority adoption of FY2022-2027 SYP.

    This will be the last SYP update for which the current TransAction Project List (adopted in 2017) will be used. The new model being developed as part of the current TransAction update will be validated and used for model-based evaluations for the FY2022-2027 SYP by end January 2022.

    TransAction Update

    In parallel with the development of the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, NVTA staff and the consultant team are updating TransAction. Following extensive review by three NVTA committees since July 2021, the Authority approved TransAction goals, objectives and performance measures in November 2021.  Subsequently, the Authority approved weightings for the approved performance measures In December 2021. The consultant team will utilize the weighted TransAction performance measures in the evaluation of the TransAction plan by developing TransAction project ratings.

    Anticipated milestones for the TransAction Update include:

    January – April 2022: Development and evaluation of draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List;

    March 2022: Commencement of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) briefings;

    July 2022: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing/Open House;

    July 2022: Release of draft TransAction Plan and TransAction Project List by the Authority;

    July – September 2022: Public comment period, NVTA Public Hearing/Open House, and jurisdictional Town Hall meetings;

    October 2022: Release of final draft TransAction Plan and TransAction Project List for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC; and

    November 2022: Anticipated Authority adoption of TransAction and TransAction Project List.

    July 1, 2021 Update

    On June 10, 2021, NVTA approved posting of the Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program (SYP).  The CfRTP, which officially launches the SYP update process, was posted on July 1, 2021.

    NVTA updates the SYP on a two-year cycle alternating with the Commonwealth’s Smart Scale Program, which is also on a two-year cycle. Development of the Authority’s FY2022-2027 SYP Update, using FY2026 and FY2027 regional revenues will follow a similar version of the process used for the previous SYPs, initiated by a CfRTP targeted at eligible jurisdictions and agencies.

    Eligible applicants are encouraged to consider NVTA’s core values of equity, sustainability, and safety when submitting applications. All projects considered for regional revenues are subject to a comprehensive regional evaluation process that uses multiple inputs and does not rely on a single metric:

    1. Projects must be included in TransAction (may be a subset), and must be wholly (or substantially) located in Northern Virginia;
    2. Quantitative Analyses.
      1. Congestion Reduction Relative to Cost (CRRC). As required by Virginia Code, the Authority must give priority to projects with the highest CRRC ratios;
      2. TransAction Ratings. Project level ratings based on technical analyses from the current TransAction (adopted in October 2017).  These ratings have previously been referred to as HB 599 (2012) project ratings.  The FY2022-2027 SYP Update will continue the process with NVTA having full autonomy over HB599 project ratings, following passage of SB1468 (2019);
      3. Long Term Benefit (LTB). The FY2022-2027 SYP Update will continue to consider Long Term Benefit as a factor. NVTA staff will apply the LTB Principles approved by the Authority in December 2014.  The LTB analysis will complement, but not replace, ‘geographic balance’ that has been used as a qualitative consideration in previous funding programs;
    3. Qualitative Considerations. Takes into account factors that cannot easily be considered in a formula, such as geographic and modal balance; leveraging of other funding sources, project readiness, and past performance. Past performance using NVTA regional revenues in previous funding programs will be an especially important consideration;
    4. Public Comment. An NVTA Public Hearing/Open House will be held, with a period for public comment, Town Hall meetings, etc.

    This will be the last SYP update for which the current TransAction Project List (adopted in 2017) will be used. The new model being developed as part of the current TransAction update will be validated and used for model-based evaluations for the FY2022-2027 SYP. The SYP schedule may potentially be affected by any delays in TransAction model development.

    For the latest FY2022-2027 SYP information, visit thenovaauthority.org.  Anticipated milestones include:

    October 1, 2021 at 5:00 pm: Application deadline, followed by project evaluations by NVTA staff;

    December 3, 2021 at 5:00pm: Deadline for Governing Body and any supporting resolutions;

    March 2022: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing/Open House;

    March 2022: Commencement of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) reviews;

    March – April 2022: Staff submission of funding availability recommendations to the Finance Committee;

    April 2022: Release of candidate project list and evaluations by the Authority;

    April – May 2022: Public comment period, NVTA Public Hearing/Open House, jurisdictional Town Hall meetings;

    June 2022: Release of NVTA staff project recommendations for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC;

    July 2022: Authority adoption of FY2022-2027 SYP

    June 1, 2021 Update

    On March 11, 2021, NVTA selected Cambridge Systematics to lead a team that will update TransAction, the long-range transportation plan for Northern Virginia.  NVTA updates TransAction every five years, and will adopt the current update by approximately November 2022.  As part of this TransAction update, NVTA approved a modified vision for TransAction in December 2020 that will guide the overall development and update process:

    “Northern Virginia will plan for, and invest in, a safe, equitable, sustainable, and integrated multimodal transportation system that enhances quality of life, strengthens the economy, and builds resilience”

    As part of the update process, NVTA will consider and ultimately approve goals, objectives, measures, and associated weightings that are consistent with the new TransAction vision.  NVTA will conduct this approval process transparently, including multiple discussions at various NVTA statutory and standing committees.  NVTA will approve updated goals, objectives, measures and weightings by the end of 2021.  The weighted measures will support the derivation of TransAction project ratings, consistent with the requirements of HB 599 (2012).  The TransAction project ratings will not be available until spring/summer 2022.

    TransAction will incorporate a multi-faceted and inclusive public engagement approach beginning in late spring/early summer 2021.  In addition, TransAction will embrace NVTA’s core values – safety, equity, and sustainability – including process, projects, priorities, and identification of potential policy development areas.

    When adopted in 2022, TransAction will include an updated Project List, comprising multimodal regional transportation projects.  Consistent with previous versions of TransAction, it is a fiscally and geographically unconstrained plan.  Regional transportation projects do not require committed funding to be included in the TransAction Project List.  Equally, inclusion of regional transportation projects in the TransAction Project List is not a guarantee of future funding by NVTA using its regional revenues.

    The TransAction Project List associated with the current version of TransAction, adopted by NVTA in October 2017, includes 352 projects.  Any project located in Northern Virginia that was included in the TransAction Project List has been eligible for consideration as part of NVTA’s FY2018-2023 and FY2020-2025 Six Year Programs.  These projects remain eligible for one further round of funding – the upcoming FY2022-2027 Six Year Program.  Thereafter, the TransAction Project List adopted in 2022 will determine eligibility.

    As with all NVTA funding programs, eligible applicants may submit eligible projects for review and evaluation by NVTA staff.  For the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, NVTA anticipates using a similar project selection process to that used for previous Six Year Programs.  Further details on the upcoming FY2022-2027 Six Year Program will be the subject of an additional posting on this webpage on or about July 1, 2021.

    March 1, 2021 Update

    NVTA’s next Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) will be for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program.  The CfRTP is expected to be announced during summer 2021.  Review of project applications, using a similar methodology to what has been used for previous Six Year Program updates, will occur in late fall 2021 through early spring 2022, followed by an opportunity to submit public comments during spring/summer 2022.  The public comment period will include a formal Public Hearing.  It is anticipated that the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program will be adopted during summer/fall 2022.

    July 1, 2020 Update

    41 applications were evaluated as part of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority’s FY2020-2025 Six Year Program.  Information on these applications is summarized on the Authority’s website.  Specifically, the TransAction Project Ratings (previously HB 599 ratings), and associated ranks, are summarized in this document, and more fully in this document.

    Project recommendations, taking account of a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, together with public comments, were developed by NVTA staff and posted on June 9, 2020.  Following review by the Authority’s two Statutory Committees (Planning Coordination Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee) and the Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) in mid-June, the PPC developed final recommendations that were posted on June 22, 2020.

    The Authority will consider the PPC final recommendations at its meeting on July 9, 2020, at which it is expected to adopt the FY2020-2025 Six Year Program.

    April 2, 2020 Update

    **Note: all dates below are subject to change due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.**

    41 applications are currently under evaluation as part of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority’s FY2020-2025 Six Year Program, which is expected to be adopted by the Authority in July 2020.  Information on these applications is summarized on the Authority’s website.  Project evaluations, which comprise a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, were released by the Authority for a public comment period that commenced on March 13, 2020 and will continue through May 24, 2020.  During the public comment period, the Authority will host a Public Hearing on May 14, 2020.

    Specifically, the TransAction Project Ratings (previously HB 599 ratings), and associated ranks, are summarized in this document.  The methodology is described below.

    The aforementioned TransAction Project Ratings utilized the 15 weighted performance measures used to evaluate the TransAction Plan (see page 3). The 15 performance measures included the seven original measures used for the HB 599 process (with a combined weighting of 45 percent) applied during evaluation of projects for the Authority’s FY2015-16 and FY2017 Programs. (Note: The HB 599 process was not required for the Authority’s FY2014 Program.) Individual TransAction Project Ratings for each of the 41 eligible projects in the FY2020-2025 Six Year Program, were calculated using the TransAction simulation model for horizon year 2040. Two versions of the 2040 multimodal transportation network were modeled:

    • The 2040 ‘No Build’ network, including projects under construction or fully funded;
    • The 2040 ‘Build’ network, which additionally included the 41 eligible projects.

    The rating for each project was based on a comparison of the two model runs.

    January 2, 2020 Update

    41 applications are currently under evaluation as part of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority’s FY2020-2025 Six Year Program, which is expected to be adopted by the Authority in June 2020.  Information on these applications is summarized on the Authority’s website. Project evaluations, which comprise a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, will be released by the Authority for a public comment period that is expected to commence in mid-March 2020 thru the end of April 2020.  During the public comment period, the Authority will host an Open House and Public Hearing.  This website will be updated when the project evaluations are released in early March 2020.

    June 29, 2022 Update

    FY2022-2027 Six Year Program

    Since the last update on January 1, 2022, the 26 eligible applications submitted in response to the Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program (SYP) have been evaluated by NVTA staff and NVTA’s consultant team.  NVTA staff have recommended 20 of the 26 projects be funded, with 17 of the 20 projects recommended for full funding and three projects recommended for partial funding sufficient to fully fund the preliminary engineering phase of each of the three projects.

    NVTA’s two statutory advisory committees, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Planning Coordination Advisory Committee (PCAC), met on June 14, 2022 and June 22, 2022 respectively, to consider the NVTA staff recommendations for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, and unanimously endorsed the NVTA staff recommendations.

    On June 23, 2022, NVTA’s Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) met and unanimously endorsed the NVTA staff recommendations to fully fund 17 projects and partially fund 3 other projects, using approximately $625 million in regional revenues.

    The PPC recommendations, which the full Authority will consider at its meeting on July 14, 2022, and other evaluation information are posted on NVTA’s website.

    This will be the last SYP update for which the current TransAction Project List (adopted in 2017) will be used.

    TransAction Update

    In parallel with the development of the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, NVTA staff and the consultant team are updating TransAction.  Detailed development and evaluation of the draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List has been ongoing during spring 2022.  NVTA’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) have been briefed on initial results.  A similar briefing for NVTA members was held at an NVTA work session on May 19, 2022, at which NVTA staff requested guidance on several topics before preparing a draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List for public comment.

    Anticipated milestones for the TransAction (all tentative):

    July 14, 2022: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing (September 8, 2022) and the public comment period (August 1 through September 18, 2022);

    August 1, 2022: Release of draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List by the Authority for public comment (public comment continues through September 18);

    September 8, 2022: TransAction Public Hearing (hybrid format);

    November 2022: Release of final draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC;

    December 8, 2022: Authority adoption of TransAction plan and TransAction Project List.

    January 1, 2022 Update

    FY2022-2027 Six Year Program

    Since the last update on July 1, 2021, nine jurisdictions and localities submitted 26 eligible applications, requesting a total of $1,213,916,553 from NVTA’s FY2022-2027 Six Year Program (SYP). This was in response to the Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2022-2027 SYP, posted on July 1, 2021.  NVTA staff and the consultant team are now evaluating these applications. Please visit the NVTA website for a list of the applicants, candidate project list and modal breakouts.

    Anticipated milestones for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program include:

    March 2022: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing/Open House;

    March 2022: Commencement of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) reviews;

    March – April 2022: Staff submission of funding availability recommendations to the Finance Committee;

    April 2022: Release of candidate project list and evaluations by the Authority;

    April – May 2022: Public comment period, NVTA Public Hearing/Open House, and jurisdictional Town Hall meetings;

    June 2022: Release of NVTA staff project recommendations for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC; and

    July 2022: Anticipated Authority adoption of FY2022-2027 SYP.

    This will be the last SYP update for which the current TransAction Project List (adopted in 2017) will be used. The new model being developed as part of the current TransAction update will be validated and used for model-based evaluations for the FY2022-2027 SYP by end January 2022.

    TransAction Update

    In parallel with the development of the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, NVTA staff and the consultant team are updating TransAction. Following extensive review by three NVTA committees since July 2021, the Authority approved TransAction goals, objectives and performance measures in November 2021.  Subsequently, the Authority approved weightings for the approved performance measures In December 2021. The consultant team will utilize the weighted TransAction performance measures in the evaluation of the TransAction plan by developing TransAction project ratings.

    Anticipated milestones for the TransAction Update include:

    January – April 2022: Development and evaluation of draft TransAction plan and TransAction Project List;

    March 2022: Commencement of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) briefings;

    July 2022: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing/Open House;

    July 2022: Release of draft TransAction Plan and TransAction Project List by the Authority;

    July – September 2022: Public comment period, NVTA Public Hearing/Open House, and jurisdictional Town Hall meetings;

    October 2022: Release of final draft TransAction Plan and TransAction Project List for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC; and

    November 2022: Anticipated Authority adoption of TransAction and TransAction Project List.

    July 1, 2021 Update

    On June 10, 2021, NVTA approved posting of the Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program (SYP).  The CfRTP, which officially launches the SYP update process, was posted on July 1, 2021.

    NVTA updates the SYP on a two-year cycle alternating with the Commonwealth’s Smart Scale Program, which is also on a two-year cycle. Development of the Authority’s FY2022-2027 SYP Update, using FY2026 and FY2027 regional revenues will follow a similar version of the process used for the previous SYPs, initiated by a CfRTP targeted at eligible jurisdictions and agencies.

    Eligible applicants are encouraged to consider NVTA’s core values of equity, sustainability, and safety when submitting applications. All projects considered for regional revenues are subject to a comprehensive regional evaluation process that uses multiple inputs and does not rely on a single metric:

    1. Projects must be included in TransAction (may be a subset), and must be wholly (or substantially) located in Northern Virginia;
    2. Quantitative Analyses.
      1. Congestion Reduction Relative to Cost (CRRC). As required by Virginia Code, the Authority must give priority to projects with the highest CRRC ratios;
      2. TransAction Ratings. Project level ratings based on technical analyses from the current TransAction (adopted in October 2017).  These ratings have previously been referred to as HB 599 (2012) project ratings.  The FY2022-2027 SYP Update will continue the process with NVTA having full autonomy over HB599 project ratings, following passage of SB1468 (2019);
      3. Long Term Benefit (LTB). The FY2022-2027 SYP Update will continue to consider Long Term Benefit as a factor. NVTA staff will apply the LTB Principles approved by the Authority in December 2014.  The LTB analysis will complement, but not replace, ‘geographic balance’ that has been used as a qualitative consideration in previous funding programs;
    3. Qualitative Considerations. Takes into account factors that cannot easily be considered in a formula, such as geographic and modal balance; leveraging of other funding sources, project readiness, and past performance. Past performance using NVTA regional revenues in previous funding programs will be an especially important consideration;
    4. Public Comment. An NVTA Public Hearing/Open House will be held, with a period for public comment, Town Hall meetings, etc.

    This will be the last SYP update for which the current TransAction Project List (adopted in 2017) will be used. The new model being developed as part of the current TransAction update will be validated and used for model-based evaluations for the FY2022-2027 SYP. The SYP schedule may potentially be affected by any delays in TransAction model development.

    For the latest FY2022-2027 SYP information, visit thenovaauthority.org.  Anticipated milestones include:

    October 1, 2021 at 5:00 pm: Application deadline, followed by project evaluations by NVTA staff;

    December 3, 2021 at 5:00pm: Deadline for Governing Body and any supporting resolutions;

    March 2022: Authority approval of date for NVTA Public Hearing/Open House;

    March 2022: Commencement of Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Planning Coordination and Advisory Committee (PCAC), and Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) reviews;

    March – April 2022: Staff submission of funding availability recommendations to the Finance Committee;

    April 2022: Release of candidate project list and evaluations by the Authority;

    April – May 2022: Public comment period, NVTA Public Hearing/Open House, jurisdictional Town Hall meetings;

    June 2022: Release of NVTA staff project recommendations for review by TAC, PCAC, and PPC;

    July 2022: Authority adoption of FY2022-2027 SYP

    June 1, 2021 Update

    On March 11, 2021, NVTA selected Cambridge Systematics to lead a team that will update TransAction, the long-range transportation plan for Northern Virginia.  NVTA updates TransAction every five years, and will adopt the current update by approximately November 2022.  As part of this TransAction update, NVTA approved a modified vision for TransAction in December 2020 that will guide the overall development and update process:

    “Northern Virginia will plan for, and invest in, a safe, equitable, sustainable, and integrated multimodal transportation system that enhances quality of life, strengthens the economy, and builds resilience”

    As part of the update process, NVTA will consider and ultimately approve goals, objectives, measures, and associated weightings that are consistent with the new TransAction vision.  NVTA will conduct this approval process transparently, including multiple discussions at various NVTA statutory and standing committees.  NVTA will approve updated goals, objectives, measures and weightings by the end of 2021.  The weighted measures will support the derivation of TransAction project ratings, consistent with the requirements of HB 599 (2012).  The TransAction project ratings will not be available until spring/summer 2022.

    TransAction will incorporate a multi-faceted and inclusive public engagement approach beginning in late spring/early summer 2021.  In addition, TransAction will embrace NVTA’s core values – safety, equity, and sustainability – including process, projects, priorities, and identification of potential policy development areas.

    When adopted in 2022, TransAction will include an updated Project List, comprising multimodal regional transportation projects.  Consistent with previous versions of TransAction, it is a fiscally and geographically unconstrained plan.  Regional transportation projects do not require committed funding to be included in the TransAction Project List.  Equally, inclusion of regional transportation projects in the TransAction Project List is not a guarantee of future funding by NVTA using its regional revenues.

    The TransAction Project List associated with the current version of TransAction, adopted by NVTA in October 2017, includes 352 projects.  Any project located in Northern Virginia that was included in the TransAction Project List has been eligible for consideration as part of NVTA’s FY2018-2023 and FY2020-2025 Six Year Programs.  These projects remain eligible for one further round of funding – the upcoming FY2022-2027 Six Year Program.  Thereafter, the TransAction Project List adopted in 2022 will determine eligibility.

    As with all NVTA funding programs, eligible applicants may submit eligible projects for review and evaluation by NVTA staff.  For the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program, NVTA anticipates using a similar project selection process to that used for previous Six Year Programs.  Further details on the upcoming FY2022-2027 Six Year Program will be the subject of an additional posting on this webpage on or about July 1, 2021.

    March 1, 2021 Update

    NVTA’s next Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) will be for the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program.  The CfRTP is expected to be announced during summer 2021.  Review of project applications, using a similar methodology to what has been used for previous Six Year Program updates, will occur in late fall 2021 through early spring 2022, followed by an opportunity to submit public comments during spring/summer 2022.  The public comment period will include a formal Public Hearing.  It is anticipated that the FY2022-2027 Six Year Program will be adopted during summer/fall 2022.

    July 1, 2020 Update

    41 applications were evaluated as part of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority’s FY2020-2025 Six Year Program.  Information on these applications is summarized on the Authority’s website.  Specifically, the TransAction Project Ratings (previously HB 599 ratings), and associated ranks, are summarized in this document, and more fully in this document.

    Project recommendations, taking account of a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, together with public comments, were developed by NVTA staff and posted on June 9, 2020.  Following review by the Authority’s two Statutory Committees (Planning Coordination Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee) and the Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) in mid-June, the PPC developed final recommendations that were posted on June 22, 2020.

    The Authority will consider the PPC final recommendations at its meeting on July 9, 2020, at which it is expected to adopt the FY2020-2025 Six Year Program.

    April 2, 2020 Update

    **Note: all dates below are subject to change due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.**

    41 applications are currently under evaluation as part of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority’s FY2020-2025 Six Year Program, which is expected to be adopted by the Authority in July 2020.  Information on these applications is summarized on the Authority’s website.  Project evaluations, which comprise a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, were released by the Authority for a public comment period that commenced on March 13, 2020 and will continue through May 24, 2020.  During the public comment period, the Authority will host a Public Hearing on May 14, 2020.

    Specifically, the TransAction Project Ratings (previously HB 599 ratings), and associated ranks, are summarized in this document.  The methodology is described below.

    The aforementioned TransAction Project Ratings utilized the 15 weighted performance measures used to evaluate the TransAction Plan (see page 3). The 15 performance measures included the seven original measures used for the HB 599 process (with a combined weighting of 45 percent) applied during evaluation of projects for the Authority’s FY2015-16 and FY2017 Programs. (Note: The HB 599 process was not required for the Authority’s FY2014 Program.) Individual TransAction Project Ratings for each of the 41 eligible projects in the FY2020-2025 Six Year Program, were calculated using the TransAction simulation model for horizon year 2040. Two versions of the 2040 multimodal transportation network were modeled:

    • The 2040 ‘No Build’ network, including projects under construction or fully funded;
    • The 2040 ‘Build’ network, which additionally included the 41 eligible projects.

    The rating for each project was based on a comparison of the two model runs.

    January 2, 2020 Update

    41 applications are currently under evaluation as part of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority’s FY2020-2025 Six Year Program, which is expected to be adopted by the Authority in June 2020.  Information on these applications is summarized on the Authority’s website. Project evaluations, which comprise a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors, will be released by the Authority for a public comment period that is expected to commence in mid-March 2020 thru the end of April 2020.  During the public comment period, the Authority will host an Open House and Public Hearing.  This website will be updated when the project evaluations are released in early March 2020.

    Visit VDOT’s website for previous postings on this matter.

    Prior to July 1, 2019: Evaluating Significant Transportation Projects